Ammonite Scala Shell

Ammonite Shell

The Ammonite Shell is a Scala-based shell with built-in libraries and short-cuts to provide the ability to do fully typed shell programming in Scala.

val l = (0 to 1000)
show(l, height=50)

# Multi-line edit:
def foo = {
  val a = 10
  val b = 15
  val c = 30
# history shows multi-line (can use up arrow)

# History search:
enter search term, hit Up/down arrow

Also: Ctrl-r, start search, Ctrl-Shift-r cycle through search results

# Import 3rd party library
import $ivy.`com.example::scala:1.2.3`


Update sbt version for all projects under current directory

# Start Ammonite with 10GB of memory
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx10g" amm

val allFiles = ls.rec(wd)
val sbtVersionFiles = allFiles.filter{ f =>
   val segmentCount = f.segmentCount
   if (segmentsCount >= 2) {
     val parentDir = f.getSegment(segmentCount - 2)
     val lastSegment = f.last
     parentDir == "project" && lastSegment == ""
   } else {
sbtVersionFiles.foreach { versionFile =>
  //also: write (fail if file exists)
  write.over(versionFile, "sbt.version=1.2.8\n")