Eclipse Mylyn GitHub Connector

Eclipse Mylyn

The Eclipse Mylyn plugin provides task-centric display/artifact management. Mylyn tracks what files were touched for a given task and as you switch/activate tasks Eclipse only shows the artifacts for that tasks. There are also lots of task management features.

Besides local task management there are a variety of Mylyn connectors that allow tasks to be stored in task tracking tools such as Jira, Trac or GitHub Issues. GitHub Issues is a nice task tracking framework associated with a GitHub project.

Tracking GitHub Issues from Eclipse Mylyn

  • From Eclipse: Help - Install New Software
  • Select Luna Update site: Luna -
  • Filter: GitHub
  • Select Eclipse GitHub integration

Create GitHub Task Repository

  • Window - Show View - Other - Mylyn - Task Repositories
  • Right click Tasks folder - Add Task Repository
  • Select GitHub Issues
  • Server:
  • Add GitHub user id/password
  • Validate Settings

This creates a new Bugs - medale/spark-mail issues task repo

Working on tasks

  • Window - Show View - Other - Mylyn - Task List

This shows issues that were already created on GitHub and allows you to work with those or create new issues remotely.